PANCA SERI Dirgahayu Tuanku

PANCA SERI Dirgahayu Tuanku
Raja-Raja Melayu adalah AHLULBAIT!

If you need a HELPING HAND, just READ THE BOOK OF ALLAH and soon I will be there..!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Asiya the wife of Pharaoh had declared her faith in the message of God after witnessing the miracle of Moses in the Court of Pharaoh.

The holy Quran has presented Asiya daughter of Muzahim as one of the best role models for women. “And God sets forth an example to those who believe the wife of Pharaoh when she said:

My Lord! build for me a house with Thee in the garden and deliver me from Pharaoh and his doing, and deliver me from the unjust people.” (66:11)

Now, Asiya heard about Prophet Moses religion and began to pursue its news and that of those who embraced it. But she was very distressed to know that they were punished severely for clinging to it.

Asiya liked this new religion, and was convinced by its concepts. She even started to sense the effects of injustice on the pure souls who worshiped Almighty. She felt also that her devotion to her husband was beginning to wither away little by little, as his violence & tyranny grew more & more intolerable.

A big wall of hatred rose between the tyrant Pharaoh and his God-fearing wife, who now spent most of her time worshiping and praying to Almighty God.
All the gifts and pleasures of life which her husband laid in front of her, could not change Asiya’s stern beliefs. She stood firm in her opposition to tyranny and disbelief, and turned away from Pharaoh’s world. She renounced too, her prestige as a queen to all the people, and took the path of Jihad and suffering so as to win God’s contentment and His eternal heaven.

Pharaoh knew that his beloved wife had abandoned his religion and had adhered to the religion that declared God’s Oneness. He was very angry indeed, and wondered how his wife had turned away from him. But try as he could with all the power and temptations he possessed, he was unable to dissuade her from her new religion. After witnessing the death of another believing, woman under torture, Pharaoh tried to turn her away from the God of Moses and sought her mother’s help. But Asiya refused to reject the God of Moses. On Pharaoh’s order, she Was tortured to death.

The faithful woman martyred for the sake of her Creator, and in that, she became a great example of the believers’ bravery.

Asiya’s greatness lies in the fact that although she was the wife of one of the most Powerful, arrogant and tyrant rulers of Egypt, she was able to see and accept the truth in message of Prophet Moses. For her, wealth, beauty or status was not the main criterion of human excellence; she realized that without faith in God, a human being has nothing.

In this lady, we see the example of supreme sacrifice: By marrying Pharaoh, Asiya became the Queen of Egypt, she gained everything that she wanted in this worldly life from the materialistic point of view: the best of clothes, food, palaces, jewels, servants and maids, etc. But she sacrificed all that to be closer to God. And that is why we see her included by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the list of the four women who attained the level of perfection.

By Perihatin 

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"If you (really) LOVE Allah, then follow me, Allah will LOVE you and forgive you your sins." (3:31) "And I have come to you with a SIGN FROM YOUR LORD, so fear Allah and OBEY ME! Truly Allah is my Lord and your Lord. Therefore submit to HIM! This is A STRAIGHT PATH" (maryam 19:36) "That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me of the honoured ones!" (yassin:27)
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Panji-Panji Hitam
Diambil dari bendera asal negeri Kelantan DarulNaim sebelum ditukar oleh kerajaan Kelantan pada tahun 1909M. Di masa bendera Panji-Panji Hitam ini dikibarkan, hukum HUDUD dijalankan sehingga pada masa era pasca penjajahan. Bendera ini berimejkan seekor anjing yang bernama KITMIR iaitu antara anjing-anjing yang dimasukkan ke Syurga. Anjing Kitmir ini telah menjaga pintu gua tempat dimana pemuda ArRakim AshabulKhafi telah ditidurkan Allah selama 309 tahun. MasyaAllah!! Riwayatnya anjing ini akan kembali untuk membantu nabi Isa putera Maryam untuk membunuh Dajjal Laknatullah bersama-sama AshabulKhafi dan Imam Mahdi. "Di akhir zaman, kaum kerabatku akan diinjak-injak dan dihina-hina sehinggalah datang stu kaum dari sebelah timur yang akan menegakkan Panji-Panji Hitam; Itulah Pemuda Bani Tamin". Dan Pemuda ini akan menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada Imam yang sebenar iaitu Imam Mahdi setelah kerajaannya kuat. Pemuda ini merupakan seorang anak raja yang zuhud dari keturunan Rasulullah SAW bernasabkan syd. Hussein rd. Kalimah khat pada bendera hitam itu pula adalah sepotong ayat alQuran yang bermaksud 'Pertolongan Allah' atau Nasrumminallah'. Manakala perkataan Kelantan tertulis pada ekornya sebagai simbol wilayah. Ikan Kekacang 'Jangan makan ikan Kekacang' atau dalam dialek Kelantannya 'Jange Make Ike Kaceng!'. Itu adalah sumpah keramat datuknenda kita YM Syed Hussein JamadilKubra Nusantara kepada anak cucu zuriat kerabat keturunannya sahaja. Diulang.. zuriatnya sahaja! Peristiwa wasiat ini berlaku apabila baginda Syed Hussein JamadilKubra berlayar menuju utara setelah peristiwa tragis 'pokok Pinang terbelah dua dengan panahan mata sahaja sehingga menyebabkan pembunuhan adindanya Sheikh Qamaruddin di tangan Raja Tumasek (Singapura). Dalam Pelayaran itu, kapal baginda telah hampir karam di laut ekoran dipukul ombak ganas; Dan dalam keadaan cemas dan genting itu, setelah membuat solat hajat alKubra, baginda Syed Hussein Jamadilkubra pun bernazar untuk mendirikan sebuah masjid jika terselamat dari bencana itu. Akhirnya doa waliAllah itu makbul di mana sekumpulan ikan Kekacang (Ikan Kekacang berpuak) telah datang secara tiba-tiba menutupi lubang-lubang kapal yang bocor. Manakala yang bersaiz besar pula (Ikan Kekacang boleh sampai ke siaz maksimun) menolak kapal itu ke daratan beramai-ramai. Bukan main susah payah 'ike kaceng' tu menolong datuk-nenek kita, masyaAllah-Subhanallah!! Apabila sampai di daratan, baginda dan angkatannya terasa amat letih, dahaga dan kelaparan. Tiba-tiba satu Petunjuk dari Allah melalui makhluknya Tupai Putih (seperti Labah-Labah atau burung di zaman nabi) yang tiba-tiba terlonjat-lonjat di hadapan baginda dan akhirnya berlari menuju ke serumpn pohon Buluh Betong lalu memakan umbut atau rebungnya, tanpa apa-apa masalah. Lantaran itu, baginda telah mengarahkan angkatannya memakan umbut itu untuk menghilangkan kelaparan bersama-sama beliau. Setelah kekenyangan, baginda telah bernazar dan bersumpah supaya zuriat keturunannya tidak boleh lagi memakan Ikan Kekacng dan Rebung Buluh Betong sebagai satu tanda syukur di atas pertolongan Allah yang diberi kepada mereka dan tanda terimakasih kepada Ikan Kekacang kerana kerana menolong. Ironinya, mana-mana ahli kerabat yang melanggar pantang-larang datuk-nenek akan tertimpa musibah seperti kena penyakit gatal-gatal berbintil, kudis, gila atau sebagainya. MasyaAllahhulaquwatailabillah.... nota: Untuk Pendaftaran MQTK, sila hubungi YM NIK SAIDINAL UMAR B. YM HJ.CHE SOLAHHUDDIN Setiausaha Agong MQTK di nombor 019966167988-09-KEL no pendaftaran MQTK VIDEO AHLULBAIT MELAYU Jange Make Ike Kaceng- Wasiat Tok Su Che Bongsu (2008M) _________________________________________

AZZURRIS BANIHASYIM CLUB-AHLULBAIT-THE LAST THREATENING..A STATEMENT OF TRUTH__Blog address: or Email at or MAIL at or watch hotline Ahlulbait Video Melayu at AUDIO PLAYER __________________________________________ Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing
Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo SharingImage Hosted by PicturePush - Photo SharingImage Hosted by PicturePush - Photo SharingImage Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing “Verily, my WALI is ALLAH Who revealed THE BOOK (Quran), and He protecs the righteous”___(7:196) Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing AZZURRI AHLULBAIT BLOGGER-BANIHASYIM QURAISY CLUB's MEMBERS- Read the Book of Allah and 'YOU CAN FEEL THE DIFFERENT'Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing They are........FRIENDS!!!!!Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing True friend scolds like a DAD.. Cares like a MOM.. Teases like a SISTER.. Irritates like a BROTHER.. And finally loves U more than a LOVER. What else..? And thanks coz to be a Muslim. Ameen... JOIN NOW for happines, relationship and others!!!! ____ --"If you (really) LOVE Allah, then follow me, Allah will LOVE you and forgive you your sins." (3:31)

"And I have come to you with a SIGN FROM YOUR LORD, so fear Allah and OBEY ME! Truly Allah is my Lord and your Lord. Therefore submit to HIM! This is A STRAIGHT PATH" (maryam 19:36)

We need friends for many reasons, all throughout the four seasons. We need friends to comfort us when we are sad, and to have fun with us when we are glad. We needs friends to give us good advise, we need someone we can count on to treat us nice. We need friends because we are social in nature and having friends makes us feel secure. We need friends to remember us once we have passed, sharing memories that will always last. THAT'S WHY I NEED YOU!!..

They are........FRIENDS!!!!! True friend scolds like a DAD.. Cares like a MOM.. Teases like a SISTER.. Irritates like a BROTHER.. And finally loves U more than a LOVER.

'If they put the SUN at my right hand and my left hand in MOON, so I leave my business is, I WOULD NOT LEAVE! Until the Revelation of Allah (A Statement of Truth) to overcome all things' (muhamaad SAW). miss U forever & ever my LOVE

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Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing AKU ANAK MALAYSIA..!!!

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Firman Allah:

Katakanlah: "Aku diperintahkan menyembah Tuhan negeri ini yang dijadikannya suci dan aku hanya diperintahkan membaca ALQURAN kepada seluruh alam" LOVE Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing
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